
Monday 30 January 2017

The Kitchen in Woodcutter's Cottage

Hello everyone,

Hope you had a fantastic weekend. Once again we had a very stormy weekend. I don't mind it that much as long as I and my family stayed indoors. Gilbert kept busy with the new dolls house premises while  I spent time with the kids and had some quality time with my dolls house Project.

I started off with the flooring of both the ground floor rooms which will be the living room and the kitchen. I have used strip wood and ironed it on. 

After finishing the flooring I varnished it with a walnut stain and I really like the dark color of it. 

When that was done, complete and dried I wall papered the kitchen with a tile bird pattern. For this project I didn't want it to look Victorian but I didn't want it to look modern. So I think I am looking more like a vintage style.

I wasn't very fond of the paper at all but adding a few pieces of furniture it did make the trick I guess. 

The kitchen is  not complete yet and lot's of accessories still need to be added and made by me. But I like the first few touches. 

So far this is how I have decorated it. There is a good chance that I will be changing most of it and definitely I will be adding so more. 

Hope you like what I have done so far. Keep tuned for the next update on the project. 

Take care and see you soon.




  1. Te está quedando preciosa , seguro que cuando pongas detalles quedará fantástica. El mueble encima de la pila me encanta,feliz semana:-)

    1. Muchas gracias. Sí estoy de acuerdo que se verá mucho mejor con más detalles y algunas de mis miniaturas hará el truco. Feliz semana para ti también. Abrazos xxx

  2. Me gusta como has dispuesto los muebles,la cocina está completa y cuando añadas todos los detalles,entonces,cobrará vida!!!


    1. Muchas gracias por sus encantadores comentarios. Esperemos que se vea cómo yo deseaba. Besos

  3. A lovely kitchen. The cupboards are beautiful and filled with wonderful ceramic pieces. I also love the kitchen range. Nicely filled space.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you so much Drora. I am so pleased that you liked the ceramics. Some of them are made by me. Warm Hugs xxxx

  4. It is not finished yet but so far it looks lovely. I am sure when finished will be great!!

    1. Thank you so much Alexandra. I can't wait to see it all done. xxx

  5. Tienes una vajilla tan preciosa que aunque la pusieras en el suelo quedaría genial, jaaaa! Me gusta mucho el primer avance de tu cocina! Un abrazo!

    1. Muchas gracias. Eres demasiado bueno. Estoy deseando verlo listo. Abrazos xxx

  6. Me guata y cuando sigas poniendo detalles estará fantástica. El diseño de los muebles es precioso.
    Un abrazo

    1. Muchas gracias. He tenido los muebles desde hace bastante tiempo. Era hora de usarlo y es justo para esta habitación. Esperamos terminarlo. Abrazos xxx
