
Monday 1 February 2021

Milly Collins Ambassador for dolls at My Miniature World

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are all well. I have been very very busy  in the past month. Have been making lots of new miniatures for clients. I also have arranged a few dolls houses in the museum and now it looks much better. 

Today I wanted to share with you a new doll that arrived before Christmas that was made by my dear friend Beverley Senatore. 

Milly Collins! An amazing doll! She is a BJ fashion doll. What's special about my Milly Collins is that she is the first doll of her line and has a number '1' on the back of her neck.  She arrived in her designed box with an extra outfit and accessories. Beverley is now making more dolls and outfits for her and I am looking forward to them.  Milly is definitely worth her price. 

She has such a beautiful face and I like the 50's hair style that she has. 

Milly has fitted nicely at My Miniature World. She is quite happy. The other dolls welcomed her whole heartily. 

She will be looking after the museum and welcoming visitors on their arrival. 

As my Miniature World has close to 100 of Beverley's dolls, Milly is now the ambassador for dolls and she will be having her say about each and every doll that lives here. 

So make sure to keep an eye on future posts as there will be a special section in the blog for Milly, describing each doll in detail. 

So this is all for today, Hopefully I will be updating you very soon with new News and my progress on Le Chateau. Make sure to keep tuned.

Take Care and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx



  1. She's beautiful! So chic and elegant.

  2. Es una preciosidad y vista al lado del invernadero me hago una idea de sus dimensiones.
    Disfruta mucho con ella.
    Un saludo

  3. Very chic and elegant doll! Love it!

  4. Very beautiful and elegant doll! Also very special to have the "number 1" of the series; I can imagine how proud you must be!

  5. love the 50s look, also. i am a 50s fan. love the blk and white shows.
