
Tuesday 4 April 2017

Working on the bedroom for the Woodcutter's Cottage

Hello everyone,

Hope you are fine and doing well. I had quite a productive weekend. Have done loads of miniatures for my clients and got to do some more work on the Woodcutters Cottage. Prepared an article for a dolls house magazine and worked on some new miniatures. The premises is getting closer to the final touches. There is so much to do and I can only thank my husband Gilbert for all the work he has done. He has practical done everything that was needed, alone in he free days. So I just don't know how to thank him enough. 

I am also pleased to say that My Miniature World Group on facebook has reached over 1,200 members. I want to thank all the wonderful members. Join in and be part of our growing family. Share your dolls house projects, miniature creations, tips, difficulties and most of all your friendship. So don't Miss Out!

Today I get to share with you some additional work that I did on the Woodcutter's Cottage. This time I worked on the bedroom.

I first continued the flooring that still needed to be covered in wood strip and varnished it with a walnut stain.

When that was complete I wall papered the room and added the floor skirting matching the flooring. I really liked this wall paper. It suited the bedroom so well and just right for a cottage. It also complimented the bathroom next door.

Adding the furniture was slightly tricky as the room itself has the stair case so I had to be careful how to position the bed and the pieces of furniture.

I wanted it to be a simple bed room. For a change I changed the coloring of the furniture into mahogany. I wanted this room to stick out somehow. I also added a small sewing machine. There is still so many accessories that I want to add. I just like to add the pieces before I get a clear picture of the room.

Here are a few pictures of how the room is looking so far with a few accessories.

I still need to add the ceiling beams, lighting and so much more. Hopefully I get to work a bit more on the outside of the house.

And here is a picture of the bathroom and bedroom together.

So this is all for today. I hope you have liked what I have done so far. I am hoping to have another post this week with the free give away so please do keep tuned.

Take Care and see you soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. Me gusta mucho como ha quedado el dormitorio,la disposición de los muebles y los colores que has empleado armonizan muy bien!!
    Felicidades por el grupo de facebook,espero que siga aumentando la participación!!!

    1. Muchas gracias por sus amables comentarios. Estoy muy contento de que te haya gustado el dormitorio. Abrazos xxxx

  2. With so many things going on, you manage to make very good progress in the house. This is great for us as we get to enjoy it. Thank you! I will keep in tune :)

    1. Thank you so much Alexandra. I really don't know how I manage but I guess I do. I am glad that you enjoy it. Hugs xxx

  3. Me gusta esa habitación! Tiene el punto de sobriedad necesario y un papel maravilloso en la pared. La imagino con las vigas en el techo y algunos detalles de decoración y creo que resultará perfecta para la cabaña. Felicidades! :)

    1. uchas gracias por sus encantadores comentarios. No puedo esperar para terminar la habitación. Abrazos xxx

  4. I love this lovely bedroom with the bathroom next door.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you so much Drora. I am so pleased that you like it. xxx
