Hello everyone,
Hope you are all fine and that the week is treating you well. So far I can't complain. It's been busy like always, but just took a couple of days off from the office, so I'm hoping that I will get to do some more extra work. Before I start I wanted to welcome a new follower to the blog. Welcome Arantza Martin!
During the past two weeks I have continued working on the Parlour. There is still so much to do and so much to add.
The Parlour in The Master Swordsman Pub & Inn. |
The first thing I started working on was the banister railing around the opening of the staircase. The kit itself came with a very low wall which I didn't really like. The room itself looked quite rich and the wall just didn't fit in.
So I got myself some bare wood banister rail that I cut to fit around the opening of the staircase. I sanded it down to make it look more even.
As the flooring had marble tiles, I wanted that the chunky banister railing looked more like stone or marble. I didn't know how to go about it, so very patiently I hand painted it with a marble effect. It took me hours to finish but the final results were worth the time.
I then started working on the glass of the door. I didn't want it to be just clear glass so I decided to have it with a decorative stained glass. I looked for a Victorian stained glass pattern which would blend in nicely with the wall paper of the room. It was quite challenging but like always, it was worth the effort.
As I wanted to add a fireplace to the room, I built the fire place surround and wallpapered it.
Still the fireplace needed a few more details so I weathered it, painted its details with golden shadings. Using polymer clay, I have also made a small wall plaque with the letter "M" and added it to the front of the fireplace.
I was quite happy with the room. It took me a while to finish the cornice in the ceiling and the skirting all around. When those were complete, I started adding pieces of furniture to see how they fit in the room. Whatever pieces I added, they didn't give me what I was looking for.
I came across these cardboard miniature furniture kits by Melissa Miniatures. I had them for months but never used them. They didn't even cross my mind to use them for this project but they definitely fitted in nicely. So I painted the kits and upholstered them with a very fine olive green stripe pattern that blended well with the room.
I also got Posy's approval of the set.
I added a few accessories and other pieces just to have an idea of the room. The latest piece was the Edison Style Phonograph which my father hand painted for me for this project. The details of it is amazing.
I can't wait to work further on this room. Here are a few pictures of how the room looks like so far.
Hope you like what I have done so far. There is so much that I still need to add and most probably even change in this room, but so far it's look good. Keep tuned for the next update on The Master Swordsman Pub and Inn.
Take Care and See You Soon.
Rebecca xxx