Thursday 29 June 2017

Finishing off the DHE Miniature Museum Room Box

Hello everyone,

Hope you are having a great week so far. Here in Malta today we had a public holiday so after some home shores and a finished a few orders for my clients,  I got to work some more on my room box. I couldn't resist not showing it to you. 

DHE Miniature Museum
I have went back to my trunk of unused furniture and accessories. I can't even believe myself how many pieces I have. The good thing about this room box that I actually haven't spent anything on it but just used from the big stash of unused stuff. Sometimes I just get pieces because I like them not because I need them for a project. So using these several pieces for this project was a bonus.

The next to add were the miniature resin dolls houses by the Dolls House Emporium. I have had them for years and today they are quite rare. The Classical Dolls House, Lilac Cottage and Wentworth Court.  What is a DHE museum without any of their dolls houses right??? 

The Classical Dolls House

Lilac Cottage

Wentworth Court
The nice thing about this project was that I wanted everything with the DHE Brand even the paintings that hung on the wall. I also had these two tea pots one featuring The Big Ben and the other one Queen Victoria and I have to admit they look just right in the room.

The tea pots
I have printed three signs for both the plate collection and even the tea set. They are quite tiny and fine but they fitted the display well just like a real museum.

Finally I added a sofa, Have to admit not one of my favorites but still I didn't want it to be the main attraction. I also got to add wall shelf sconces were I placed the two other plates and the wall lights.

Here are some pictures with the final touches.

So this is all for today. I hope you liked the new room box. Keep tuned for something new that is coming soon.

Take Care and see you soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. Maravillosa!!! Me encanta! ♥

  2. It's beautiful Rebecca.
    From Shirley of Whimsy Woo Miniatures

    1. Thank yo so much Shirley, I really appreciate it xxxx

  3. Bellissima, Donde enquentras el tiempo para todo?

  4. Muchas gracias. Supongo que tratar de equilibrar la mayor parte de mi vida y tratar de encontrar tiempo para todo. xxxx
