Hello everyone,
Hope you are all having a great week and that you are all well. Another busy week here at My Miniature World. The weather is terrible. It has been raining constantly without end. More good reason to stay indoors and work on miniatures.
I have been wanting to share this with you since the beginning of the month. For the whole month of November I will be travelling on all the Air Malta airline flights, to all their destinations through their in-flight Magazine 'Il-Bizzilla' with a well written article titled 'The Little Houses of Rebecca Micallef' by the talented Christine Cassar.

A few months a go Christine came to My Miniature World to interview me about my work. I got to give her a whole tour of my collection and answered all her questions. She spent hours going through the dolls houses, taking pictures and just like a little girl, I could see that she was enjoying every bit of it. She was so excited going from one room to another, taking all the details, writing notes and just by looking at her I knew that this was going to be a great article. By the end of the visit Christine and I became buddies. Surprisingly enough we spoke about other stuff that we both like and we also share a particular common interest; English litreature.
A few weeks passed and as predicated Christine wrote an amazing article, honestly! The girl has talent and not only in her writing but I could see how much more she has put in it. The young lady, not only written about me and My Miniature World but I could also read her excitement and the joy she experienced when visiting. In short words Christine has poured out her heart into the article.
In the beginning of November she sent me a message all excited that her article was published for the month of November.
I was looking forward to see it printed and was honored to have a two full page article.
Here are some of the photos that Christine took during her visit which now are published with the article.
From here I would like to thank the Editor for the Air Malta in-flight magazine 'Il-Bizzilla' Ms Dayna - Elyssia Clarke for this wonderful opportunity to share my work and also I want to thank Christine Cassar for writing such a wonderful detailed article. I am looking forward to see Christine very soon as she will be visiting My Miniature World once again. This time not as an interviewer and writer but as a friend.
Hope you'll enjoy the article and if you will be travelling with the Air Malta airlines for the month of November, have a nice flight and don't forget to look for the article in 'Il-Bizzilla' magazine in the pouch, fixed underneath your drop-down table in front of your seat.
Take Care and See You Soon.
Rebecca xxx
Update 17/01/2020
Today I had a visit from the lovely Christine Cassar at My Miniature World. She enjoyed once again the tour and seeing the new dolls house projects.
Christine and I |
Looking forward to see you again Christine xxx