Hello Everyone,
I can't believe that it has almost been a week since the Book launch of my book 'Designing and Decorating a Period Dolls' House' at the Kensington Dolls House Festival Christmas Show in London.
Friday was an important day. I stated off by visiting Windsor Castle to see Queen Mary's Dolls House decorated for the very first time for Christmas. I was an experience that I couldn't miss. The castle itself was magical decorated with beautiful Christmas trees and ornaments. Queen Mary's Dollshouse had this special Christmas tree and garlands in the hallway.
A few souvenirs that I got from Windsor Castle during this visit.
Gilbert and I spent our evening at Kensington Town Hall to prepare for the following day. Apart from the book launch, miniatures were also available.
The room box is a replica of the parlour in No 44, Mornington House which a photo of it made it also on the cover of the book. It was displayed during the show. Considering that it was the Christmas Show, it was decorated for the festive season.
The stand was all done with books and miniatures.
As the London Dollshouse Festivals are celebrating their Ruby Anniversary the exhibitors had to decorate their stands and dress up in red.
It was a fantastic show. I got to meet so many people and made new friends. By the end of the show all the books have sold out which was pretty amazing.
Special or not the room box was a big hit were hundreds of people enjoyed and admired it's charm and warmth in such a compact space.

I managed to get a few miniatures from the show which I totally love.
For the 40th Anniversary the London Dollshouse Festivals made a special souvenir to mark the occasion. A mug with the logo. It definitely will be something to hold on to. Having my very first exhibition and book launch during the ruby anniversary of the Kensington DollsHouse Festival.
Some Christmas ornaments from my dear friend Thomas Murray.
A few 1:144 scale dolls house kits by Petite Properties.
Two tiny unpainted mice from ArtofMini.
And a lovely personalized signed doll by the amazing Spanish Ma victoria Heredia Guerbos.
And finally before the show even started I found this beautiful Dolls House Emporium Kit called Jenny Wren's waiting for me near my stand which traveled all the way with me back to Malta.
From here I want to thank Charlotte and the team for a well organized event. It was brilliant. Hopefully will be back in Kensington for May's Summer Show.
This is all for today. Make sure to keep tuned for the next updates and latest news. This weakened I will be having the last launch here in Malta. It has definitely been one fantastic journey.
Take Care and See You Soon.
Rebecca. xxx