Thursday 26 July 2018

My Miniature World makes a hit on the News!

Hi everyone,

Hope you are all well and are keeping safe from the high temperatures. It's been quite hot this week. Just popped in to say a quick hello. Like always it's been a very busy week with too many going on's I would say. I still can't believe that it has been a week today since My Miniature World makes a hit on the Maltese National News.

After being seen on The People of Malta, I was approached by Maria La Barokka Muscat from TVM (Television Malta) for an interview without me knowing exactly where this was all going to.

The next day Maria visited My Miniature World with her camera man and all. Honestly I was shocked!

Maria was quite impressed and she enjoyed the tour of my houses. We spent some time talking and she made me feel quite comfortable I would say. The only thing is that I didn't have an idea that it was going to be broadcast on the TV National News and on their site the next day, News TVM

Just in case the link breaks and doesn't work here is the article Mother of Three plays with dolls and builds houses for them. There is also the Maltese Version which I think is much better.  Omm ta’ 3 itfal tilgħab bil-pupi u tibni d-djar tagħhom

Here is the video clip which was on the news. Even if it is in Maltese I'm sure you will still like it.

I have to admit, I am quite proud of myself. It's been a long journey to arrive where I am today and I wouldn't have done it without the support of my family, friends and you.

I had quite a positive feedback and even after a week I'm still receiving more.

Also I wanted to remind you that tomorrow is the closing date of our Free Give Away

All you have to do to take a chance to win this book is.

1)  Be or Become a follower of My Miniature World Blog.
2)  Like and share our Face Book Page.
3)  Leave a comment on this post so I'll know who wants to take part in the draw.

Closing date will be 27th July 2018 and the lucky winner will be announced shortly afterwards.

Don't miss out! Good luck to all!

So this is all for today. Keep tuned for the next update on the progress of the Master Swordsman & Inn as it is close to it's end. 

Take Care and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. Your houses are magical. Congratulations on the press coverage.

  2. This book looks so pretty! 🤞🏻😊

  3. Well deserved praise, Rebecca! The rooms and structures look even more magical on TV!

    1. Thank you Jodi. Indeed they look so different x

  4. felicidades por ese reportaje, por supuesto me encantaría participar en tu sorteo

  5. Congratulations and best wishes for continued success. What a beautiful blog! I love the books, please enter me in the drawing.

    1. Thank you so much Cat. Pleased you liked it xxx

  6. You should be so proud of yourself. Great job!

  7. Darn.... Saw this mail a day late :( Not much on computer with these kind of heat + all kinds of connection problems cause everyone is using coolers so lot of electricity cuts, not daily, but more often..
    Would have been perfect birthday gift for me..
    Well there's always the next time.
    Congratulations on the press coverage :)
    Hugs, Irina

    1. Thank you Irina, I am sure there will be other times xxx

  8. Congratulations. Watched the video, couldn't understand your language but enjoyed the pictures. A well deserved exposure!
    Hus, Drora

    1. Thank you Drora. I am pleased you liked it. Xxxx

  9. I'm very, VERY proud of you, Rebecca!!! You're not only a successful and talented artist, but a sweat heart who, despite having such a busy schedule, is always ready when rookie over here knocks on your door for advice or support! Thank you for being in my life, and for bringing the best out in me! x

    1. Oh my dear Jose, you left me without words. Thank you so much for everything. If I bring out the best in you is because you are always there for me, to encourage me and not to give up. That what makes us a great team. xxxx

  10. It only gets better and better! I loved seeing the video of your houses.

    1. Thank you so much Megan. I am really glad you liked it xxxx
