Thursday 18 October 2018

Working on The Traditional Dolls House

Hello Everyone,

Hope you are having a great week. I have to admit I am quite excited as tomorrow Posy and I will be travelling to The Netherlands for our very first dolls house and miniature fair. I am so looking forward to be there and to meet fellow miniaturists too. 

Today I will be sharing with you some updates on 'The Traditional' dolls house that I am building for my little Leah. She is very happy about it and she is also enjoying herself by helping out.

Before I started working on the house I made sure to finish the basement with its last floor tiles and details. 

Once the basement was settled, I moved on to the house. I gave an undercoat of white paint for the inner walls and painted the outside in the matching eggshell blue.

The inner walls, where the staircase fits, had to be wall papered before I fitted in the walls in place as it would have been impossible for me to decorate afterwards. I went for a nice green wall paper which I think will fit in just right for the staircase

As most of the work was being done on a Sunday afternoon, my little Leah was with me to see her dolls house being built, but on second thought she wanted to help me paint the edges of the house.

I helped her out by showing how to hold the paint brush and how to paint the edges. She did an amazingly good job.

As soon as it dried out, I have placed the roof  and chimneys in place. 

It was time to start painting the windows and the front door. The kit came with plastic windows and a plastic door so I have decided to replace them with wooden ones instead. I find that by time the plastic ones become brittle and even change in colour, so my best option was to have them made from wood. In this case, it was quite necessary to have them replaced,  so they'll match with the ones in the basement. 

I have to admit painting windows is not something that I really enjoy doing and I tend to work on them gradually and not paint them all at once.  This time it was different. Leah was having a ball helping me out with her dolls house and she wanted to do more. She was so eager to help that I couldn't say no to her; besides I was on top of the moon seeing my little prodigy at work. I always knew that she would take after me.  With that in mind I gave her a few windows to paint and I was impressed that she did such a good job. I really hope that the love for dolls houses will grow strong in her. 

Now I started tiling the roof slates. One side is done but I still have to do the other side, paint them and add the details on the outside. 

This is all for today. I will continue working on the dolls house once I am back from The Netherlands, so make sure to keep tuned for the next update.

Take Care and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. La casa va por muy buen camino y menuda suerte tener esa gran ayudante en Leah! se la ve muy entusiasmada con el trabajo y muy precisa a la hora de coger el pincel!
    Los colores de la fachada son muy bonitos.
    Diviértete en la feria el fin de semana!!!

    1. Muchas gracias Pilar. Leah está disfrutando de su casa de muñecas.

  2. Your little girl is a darling and what a blessing to know that your child already is involved in your hobby. Enjoy your time working together.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you so much Drora. I am really pleased that at least from the trio, Leah has a special interest in the hobby

  3. What a little sweetheart! And she's so meticulous with that painting. Definitely takes after you. I love how its coming along and I hope you have a good time in the Netherlands!

    1. Thank you so much Sheila for your kind words. Yes little Leah has a way with the paint brush.

  4. A little miniaturist, my compliments!
    Your new house looks amazing and I'm curious to see more.

    1. Thank you so much Faby. Both of us are looking forward to see it done.

  5. Un nuevo proyecto y con una linda ayudante....genial.
    Un abrazo

  6. I melted seeing little Leah help you out with the paint job!! I'm sure she'll pick up the passion for dolls houses from you! And the dolls house is looking great too! I love the light blue color, it will make it a happy house! :)

  7. Thank you so much my dear José. I really hope that Leah will take after me and enjoy and love dolls houses as much as I do. xxx
