Tuesday, 28 April 2020

The Pumpkin Head Doll

Hello everyone,

Hope you are having a good week. The weather is getting warmer everyday. Thank goodness that our hobby keeps us busy. I am working on the last touches of Pembroke Grange and I'm also preparing to start the new project. 

Today I will be sharing with you something different which is very special to me. Last December I had gotten myself this antique pretty doll which is known and the pumpkin head doll. While being in The Netherlands last March I got to pick her from a dear friend who kept her safe for a few months until I collected her.

Pumpkin Head Doll
I called the Pumpkin Head doll 'Queenie'. I think it suits her. She stands 21 cm tall. Her legs and arms are carved wood and painted. Her head with a molded Alice hair style is made out of paper mache, hand painted and covered with a thin layer of wax. Her eyes are made out of glass.  'Pumpkin Head' or 'Squash Head' dolls have inherited their title due to their head shape, as it does look like a pumpkin. She goes way back from the early 1800's and still has her original pretty dress and undergarments. 

I have to say that I am very proud to have her and for her age she is still in a very good condition. Here are some photos of Queenie.

The antique bespoke handmade dressing table that stands proudly behind her is another piece that I am quite happy to have. It was shown in the Grand Prix Paris in 1909. Inside the dressing table it is stamped 'M.E. Notaras' and two royal stamp marks with 'To HM the King of The Hellenes and their Royal Highness the Prince and Princess'. It stands 17 cm high which makes it much bigger than a 1:12 scale furniture. 

Now Queenie stands proudly in my pretty sitting room.

This is all for today. Make sure to keep tuned for the next updates.

Take Care, Be Safe and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. She's so pretty, Rebecca, a very special doll indeed! No wonder you're so proud! Love the dressing table too!!!

    1. Thank you so much José. So pleased that you liked her.

  2. She is a very appealing little doll and I just love her. There is something so very charming about these antique dolls.

    1. Thank you so much Hendrika. I can't agree with you more.

  3. Que maravilla de muñeca, es preciosa.
    El tocador es un tesoro, me encanta.
    Un saludo.

  4. Bought one of these 35 years ago and never thought too much about her. She is losing her wax tho. What to do? How long were the dolls produced? Actually I may have 2dolls the second head & arms only.

    1. They have been made in the 1800's so far she is still intact
