Saturday 23 December 2017

Tin Box Theater - Snow Dream

Hello Everyone,

Are you all set for Christmas? I still can't believe that tomorrow is Christmas Eve. This month just passed through in a blink of eye. Well the kids are all excited for tomorrow especially when they know that Santa will be visiting and getting goodies. 

Today I will be sharing with you a small Winter miniature Project in a tin box called Snow Dream. 

Tin Box Theater - Snow Dream
Just like the miniature decorative baubles I tried my hand at one of these micro scale tin box displays. The kit comes in a nice box with all that you need including instructions. 

There are a lot of tiny pieces I have to admit and everything has to be built....and when I say everything I mean everything......from a tiny vase, to a piece of furniture. 

It took me a few days to finish off but the instructions are well explained. Usually I tend to start all the furniture pieces and accessories. 

Micro Furniture Pieces

The good thing about it that I had Posy keeping me company and helping out. When I'm on the verge of giving up on some tiny piece, she's there to pull me through. For some reason I keep telling myself that I won't do any micro projects and I always tend to fall for them again. 

Posy helping out with the pieces
When all the pieces were done and ready. I started working on the setup of the the tin box. When that was ready I had to  install the battery supply lighting. 

I started off first by decorating the outdoor area on top with a few trees, sleigh, bench and the lamp post. 

Then I got to work on the inside of the small house that belongs to the bunnies Harry and Bella. 

When the setting was all done I finally connected the wires and the tiny tin box was lit.

The nice thing about it was the change of color in one of the lights. I love it. It looks so magical. Here is a short video of it to see. 

Here are a few more pictures of it all.

Posy was so happy to see it all done and ready just in time for Christmas. 

I hope you liked this miniature Winter Project. I tend to do something small just in time for Christmas. 

Posy and I want to wish 
you and your loved ones a 
Very Merry Christmas 
full of blessings and love.

Posy is all excited for her first Christmas. She's looking forward to see what Santa will get her.

Keep tuned for the next update on the Timekeeper's Shop. It will be all done and ready before the New Year. 

Take Care and See you Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. Oh! Hace unos días una amiga me regaló una cajita como la que tú has montado! Un modelo diferente pero de la misma colección. tengo que animarme a hacerla, queda preciosa! :)
    Que tengas con los tuyos una feliz Navidad, Rebecca! :)

    1. Muchas gracias y buena suerte con su kit. Espero que tengas una buena Navidad. xxx

  2. What a sweet little scene in a tin box. You inspire me to make something in a spare eyeglass container.
    I wish you and yours a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.
    Hugs, Drora

    1. Thank you so much Drora. I'm really pleased that you like it. Hope you had a great Christmas. xxx

  3. Beautiful Christmas scene. I love it. Happy Holidays for you and yours!

    1. Thank you so much Alexandra. Glad you like it xxxxxx

  4. Te quedo fantástica .. yo también tengo una parecida.. son preciosas .Feliz navidad .!!

  5. What a wonderful and inspiring little scene, Rebecca! Hope you had a lovely Christmas, and look forward to all you'll share in 2018! Happy New Year!

    1. Thank you so much Jodi. I'm lookimg forward to 2018. xxx

  6. What size batteries please. Mine did not come with any and the ones I bought are too small .please help .

  7. I received one of these without the instructions and cut outs does anyone know where I could download these

  8. can you show us how to do the wiring and lighting? my instructions were not very clear in that, and its pretty confusing to me
