Saturday 8 September 2018

My Miniature World Blog featured on September's DHMS

Hello everyone,

Hope you are enjoying your weekend.  Another quick post today. For those who get the UK magazine Dolls House & Miniature Scenes, in September's issue you will find a feature about My Miniature World Blog.

I can't believe that it has been almost 7 years since I started the blog. I always look forward to share my work and miniatures here. It also helps me to keep record of my ongoing projects. 

For those who are interested here is the link to the feature of My Miniature World Blog on The DHMS September's Issue.

Apart from The Official Face Book Page, My Miniature World also has it's Face Book Group which you can take part and share your dolls house and miniature work. There is also my Twitter and Instagram  where you can follow my work there. 

Here are some pictures that have also been featured.

Making apple pies. The preparation is set in My Rose Cottage

The Queen's Bed Room Diorama

The kitchen and food preparation in Sea Shells Cottage

DHE Museum 

My Favorite - J.R. Art Gallery
I want to thank you all for following my blog. I really hope you enjoy it and that you find it useful and inspiring. My blog wouldn't be successful without you. 

Back to work! I am preparing a tutorial for you which will be part of the Master Swordsman Pub & Inn. In the mean time there is also a new kit which came out. This one is going for a little girl that  I totally love and adore whom I am hoping will have the same passion as I do for the miniature world. Actually there is also a brand new project coming up!

Take Care and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. Enhorabuena por la merecida publicación!!!!

  2. How cool that your blog is featured!
    Makes sense, it's a great blog!

  3. Congratulations on your feature article. It is indeed a tribute to your accomplishments. Blogging demands hard work and consistency. I began my Welcome to the Garden Spot blog in 2009 and have made some very sweet blog friends. Then I began the dollhouse blog and there are stark differences. The Gardening crowd is a chatty group, some posting multiple times a week and they are eager to keep up a running conversation and they are all over the states and the world. My dollhouse blog is lucky to gain any comments, though I think it does get some traffic, curiosity seekers and one faithful Garden blogger from the UK always leaves a comment. I'll continue to follow you to enjoy your work and learn from you. ( see me.)

    1. Thank you so much Ann, I really appreciate it. xxx
