Wednesday 4 September 2019

She Builds for Dolls - Article on The Sunday News Paper 'Kullhadd'

Hello everyone,

How are you all? Hope you are well and that you are having a great week. It has been a bit chaotic here but I still manage to squeeze in my miniature work. In the past two days we have had some rain and in the evenings the temperature has gone  down a bit. I guess these are the first signs telling me that my Summer is saying goodbye.

Last Weekend I also celebrated the first anniversary since the official Launch and Grand Opening of My Miniature World. Can't believe it has been a year already. So much has happened in the past year. For the new followers who have missed last year's big event, you can go to the link of my blog post The Launch and Grand Opening of My Miniature World to see more.

I have been working further on my Pembroke Grange and I have to say that it is looking great so far. A few weeks ago My Miniature World was featured on the Maltese Sunday Newspaper 'Kullhadd'. I was interviewed by Ramona Portelli and she has asked me about My Miniature World and how it all began.

It was quite a long and intense interview I have to say which earned a full page. A big well done to Ramona for such an impressive article. Thank you once again for the opportunity to share my work. 

Last Sunday it was also featured online on the Personalities section on 'Kulhadd' site. The article is in Maltese Tibni ghall-Pupi.

As I have quite a few foreign followers from all around the world, I took it upon myself to translate the article for you in English. Here is the article in English called She Builds for Dolls

During the interview
Some photo that have been featured.

I hope you found the article interesting. 

In a few days I will be sharing with you Part 2 of the Hallways in Pembroke Grange so make sure to keep posted. 

Take Care and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. As an avid fan of all things Jane Austen I am eagerly awaiting the next installment on your lovely blog. Congratulations on opening your Miniature World Shop, and for the nice article in the paper.

    1. Thank you so much Carrie, I am glad you are enjoying my blog. xxx

  2. Wow! This is fantastic! You have become such an accomplished artist. Definitely a celebrity in the dolls house community. Well deserved. I enjoyed your article and got to know so much about you. Keep shining like a star that you are!
