Hello everyone,
Are you all set for the Spooky night? Are the Jack-o-lanterns lit? Halloween here in Malta is pretty new and let's say its barely recognized, but it is being introduced and I can see a few children all dressed up in their Halloween costumes trick-o-treating in the streets.
Halloween in My Miniature World is not grand but there are a few houses that do enjoy decorating. Regent Street is no exception! I can see that Mr. Rookie has dressed up his J.R. Art Gallery with some spooky paintings. Miss Leah has changed her mannequins' dresses with darker shades. Mrs. Ella has nicely decorated the toy shop for Halloween.
Lady Adelaide is quite new to Regent Street. Actually it is her first Halloween here. Walking back home she saw most of the shops had a touch of Halloween. Even The Dickens Book Shop had a few spooky books in the window.
She went to her room and looked at all her beautiful dolls houses and miniatures she created. The door leading to her kitchen was ajar and from there she could see the huge orange pumpkin that she won a few days ago at the fair. She smiled at it, as she didn't know what to do with it. She thought of sharing it with her neighbors. It was almost big as one of her dolls houses. Keeping that in mind she thought of doing something different; 'A Pumpkin House!'
She got up and and flung the kitchen door open. She scooped out all the pumpkin. There was going to be a lot of pumpkin pie making and pumpkin soup to stew in the next couple of days. Instead of carving a jack-o-lantern she opened a door and two windows. She decorated the front like all the pretty houses she had and her pumpkin house was done.
I think Lady Adelaide did a good job. For the very first time in Regent Street there was a miniaturist that made a pumpkin house right in time for Halloween.
Wishing you all a Happy Halloween and a Spooky Fright Night!
Rebecca xxx