Friday 18 October 2019

Guest Speaker at Grandparents Malta Meeting

Hello Everyone,

Just a quick stop here before I head into a weekend full of miniature work. I am really looking forward to get to my studio and drown myself in my work among my dolls houses and miniatures.

I have to say that the weekend started on a positive note from early in the morning when I was invited as a guest Speaker to the Grandparents Malta "Nanniet Malta" meeting in the Zabbar Hub.

A few months ago I was invited by the coordinator Maria Cordina to give a talk about the dolls house hobby for one of their weekly Grandparents meetings. I was not sure how to go about it but after giving it some thought I have accepted the invitation.

Today I went to their meeting place and I was surprised to see quite a lot of ladies and gents all set for the meeting. Weeks before the meeting I had prepared a slide presentation to share with the persons present. It was the first time that I ever made a talk but it was definitely worth it.

I started off with an introduction about myself and how the dolls house hobby started. As I suspected, most of them didn't have a clue what dolls houses are, so I gave them some historical aspects, I explained how a dolls house is built from scratch and how it gets to be decorated. Finally I shared with them a few pictures of my own dolls houses. I wasn't sure how they would react but surprisingly enough they were all interested and asked questions that I enjoyed answering.

After such a great feedback, Maria and the group will be organizing a visit to My Miniature World so they can see the dolls houses for real and like always they will be getting a guided tour. 

From here I would like to thank Maria Cordina for inviting me as a guest speaker and I would like to thank all those present who sent me wonderful messages through facebook.  Thank you so much for the encouraging words.

Wishing you all a very happy weekend. See you all next week.

Take Care.


Rebecca xxx 


  1. You're giving talks now? Brilliant! Not surprised though when you are a beautiful rising start just like yourself. By now you are a celebrity. Congratulations on your first.

  2. Congrats, Rebecca! A new chapter in your successful walk through the world of dolls houses and miniatures! :)

    1. Thank you so much my dear José. I really appreciate it xxx
