Wednesday 13 February 2019

Miniature News on The Dolls House and Miniature Scene Magazine

Hello everyone,

Hope you all having a great week. 

Just popping in briefly here today. I had several messages from you followers who get the Dolls House and Miniature Scene Magazine requesting a link to my YouTube Channel to see the latest interview on My Miniature World as mentioned on the magazine. 

My Miniature World was featured on the Miniature  News Section on The Dolls House and Miniature Scene Magazine on February's issue. The interview was broadcast on the TV Show Niskata on TVM  Channel as mentioned. 

The interview was done by Frederick Zammit at My Miniature World where I have my dolls house Collection displayed.

For those who haven't seen my blog post about the interview here is the link to it. My Miniature World Featured on Niskata TV Show

The article also mentioned the link to the Interview on Youtube. For those who wanted to see the interview and asked for the link here it is.

Even though it is in Maltese you can still see some of the collection.

This is all for today. Hopefully I will get to see you tomorrow for Valentine's Day.

Take Care and See You Soon.


Rebecca xxx


  1. You are such a lucky girl to have a wonderful collection. It's beautiful! I can't stop admiring your skills and know how. You deserve all the recognition.

    1. Thank you so much Rita I really appreciate it xxx

  2. I can't keep up anymore with your interviews and TV appearances, and that's a good thing, cos it means you're becoming a celebrity :)
    So proud of you!!!!!!!x

    1. Awww that so sweet of you to say José, thank you, but I don't consider myself as a celebrity, far from that! Thank you for being proud of me xxxx
